Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Blog is a Journal about Life

Blogs and journals differ greatly from diaries. So let's figure out those differences and learn when to use the different types. My analogy in the title is my intended focus for this blog. Even though I will be exploring freelance writing and professional blogging, this site will still be about daily life. Since I'm a freelance writer, blogging is part of my daily life.  So you can see the synchronicity of it all, can't you?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Making Plans

Just adding to the cache of good planning and blogging information to help teach focus to other freelance writers and bloggers. It was such a struggle for me in the beginning with so much information that I did not know where to begin.

When I developed my first day planner blog, I knew that I had discovered and created a niche blog that would be useful, informative, easy to use. It helped me understand how to focus and offered a forum to "keep it all together." I offer this second Day Blog Planner site as an addition to keep the information tight in a topic compartment while allowing these sites to cover the many aspects of freelance blogging and writing without becoming just another vast sea of forums and blogs out there.

Keep it simple.
